Interesting Government Programs


Let's talk about terrorism. What's the definition of terrorism? I'd call it using violence for a higher goal, outside the scope of wartime activities. So for example, normal warfare isn't terrorism, and partisan warfare and guerilla warfare aren't terrorism either. Collateral damage only becomes terrorism when the one pulling the trigger does not believe there is a military target present. So if a building without military targets is blown up, it is only terrorism if the gunners knew that the building had no military targets.

However, these operations were, for the most part, outside of warfare, with a few exceptions that will be addressed first.

Operation Popeye - Undertaken during the Vietnam war, the plan was to use cloud-seeding to forcefully extend the rainy monsoon season. This was ostensibly to disrupt the flow of supplies to the North Vietnamese Army. It is often considered justified by many historians and government agencies, naturally. While this was undertaken for military purposes, consider the fact that something like the monsoon season does not target exclusively combatants. What about the civilians inside the areas that were seeded? The openly stated goals were to muddy roads and cause landslides. Is that something that only targets combatants? Obviously not. Indiscriminate targeting of areas inhabited by both civilians and militants is undoubtedly terroristic.

Operation Ranch Hand - Another Vietnam wartime operation. This one is most famous for the use of Agent Orange. It was a defoliant, meant to kill the plants used to conceal Vietnamese soldiers. While it did kill plants, this includes the agricultural products meant to sustain the people. Moreover, Agent Orange is toxic to humans. Millions of Vietnamese civilians as well as American veterans have developed various disabilities and cancers, and it often leads to defects in the children born from parents exposed to Agent Orange. Not only this, but there is much evidence that the government and the corporations producing the chemicals knew of its toxicity to humans, yet denied for decades that many servicemen's medical issues were related to exposure. Similar to the cloud-seeding, the chemical cannot distinguish between military targets or civilians. Agent Orange is color blind.

COINTELPRO - COINTELPRO was a series of broad operations undertaken by the FBI. It was mainly concerned with disrupting social movements. This included groups like the Black Panthers, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Civil Rights Movement, Anti-Vietnam War organizers, the Nation of Islam, Brown Berets, Animal Rights and Environmentalist Movements, the KKK, National States' Rights Party, Communist Party, and so on. The tactics ranged from subversive to downright criminal. Sometimes it would be just observing or opening the mail of targets. Other times it would be joining the groups to discredit them through false-flag operations, or false reports to media outlets, or forge documents. And other times, they would falsely imprison and perjure, they would torture, kidnap, assault, and assassinate people. Many Black Panthers such as Mark Clark and Fred Hampton were assassinated under government orders, while many other leaders were imprisoned on falsified charges. Not only this, but Reagan personally stripped the Black Panthers of their right to bear arms with the Mulford Act, which prohibited open carry of firearms. This was to stop copwatching, where Black Panthers would open carry in their neighborhoods to discourage the use of excessive force by Oakland police officers. This is the reason why Reagan is regarded as a hero by mainline republicans, but villified by more niche conservatives, among other reasons.

Operation Gladio - This was a project by the CIA, predominantly in Italy but established in some regards in other nations. It involved funding, equipping, and training right-wing paramilitaries in Italy to ensure no communists got into government. Many people, including journalists, were tortured and assassinated, and many false-flag operations were undertaken. There was an entire period of post-war Italian history called the Years of Lead, with hundreds dead and thousands injured. This was a direct result of the CIA and their support of fascist terrorists.

Operation Underworld - Speaking of Italy, the government also collaborated with the Italian Mafia during World War Two and after the war as well, to ensure no Dockworker's strikes on the East Coast, intelligence gathering in Sicily, and to guard the ports against possible U-Boat attacks. This seems like a practical move, but note that the government directly enlisted the Mafia explicitly to help prevent strikes. The Mafia didn't just ask the organizers nicely. This was a brutal act of great violence, not only sanctioned but requested by the government.

Iran-Contra Affair - This one's a big one. The government would acquire weapons for many 'normal' reasons, such as training exercises with mercenaries. These weapons would then be reassessed in value, at a higher price, and only the initial value would be returned, giving the government an excess of weapons. These guns would then be sold to the Iranian government, which was illegal. The proceeds from the gun sales would then go to terrorists fighting the reformist governments in Central America. Again, the CIA funnelled money to terrorists. The terrorists would also be protected in other aspects, as well. For example, in trafficking cocaine and other drugs like crack to America; Contras who were smuggling drugs into America for sale were protected by the CIA against the DEA, to ensure more funds got to the Contras. Not only did the CIA help establish many drug cartels, but also facilitated the crack epidemics in much of America.

Operation PBSUCCESS - Guatemala was becoming communist, clearly. They implemented a minimum wage, allowed everyone to vote, and gave unused land to landless civilians while reimbursing those who lost the land with government bonds. So many of the landowners, especially fruit companies like Dole and Chiquita, went to the government for help. The government obliged them, bombing Guatemala City, invading, and overthrowing the country. The fear of a possible full-scale American invasion compelled the Guatemalan government to surrender. The installed government then executed thousands of members sympathetic to the previous government, and the operation as a whole sparked four decades of civil war in Guatemala.

Huston Plan - This was an American plan put into place during the Vietnam War, suspending constitutional amendments to allow 'radicals', essentially just anti-war protestors, to be surveilled and burglarized. However, later parts of the plan, which were not implemented as the plan was undone within a week, called for anti-war protestors to be detained in camps. The Nixon administration was also known for other things, such as preventing leaks to the press about White House affairs, as well as punishing political opponents through burglary, unwarranted IRS investigations, and possible firebombing. Again, let me remind you, for a week or so, the constitutional amendments regarding search and seizure were effectively nullified by no act or awareness of Congress. The president circumvented due process.

Readiness Exercise 1984 Bravo - This was a training exercise that was affiliated with the Iran-Contra Affair. It involved military exercises with both mercenaries and the 82nd Airborne Divison, practicing the imposition of martial law. It also involved, at the request of the Reagan administration and the director of FEMA, the planning of turning 22 military bases into concentration camps, operated by FEMA. These camps would detain over half a million immigrants and those determined to be threats to the government. This was all part of Operation Garden Plot. The Documents for the DA Civil Disturbance Plans from 1968, 1978, and 1991 are released publicly, while the 1991 report says "This OPLAN supercedes DA Civil Disturbance Plan dated 1 March 1984". I submitted a FOIA request, we'll see how that turns out. All information is from transcripts of interviews, or newspaper articles written by journalists.

Executive Orders 10995, 10997, 10998, 10999 - These executive orders go into effect when a national emergency is declared. 10995 allows for seize control of telecommunications and radio frequencies. 10997 allows the government to seize control over natural resources, both storage, processing, and extraction. This includes energy, oil, and minerals. 10998 allows for the control of agricultural and farm implements, including machinery and fertilizer and such. 10999 allows for the seizure of forms of transportation as seen fit, whether public or private.

The Business Plot - A plan during the 1930s by Wall Street Executives to overthrow the government. They would enlist angry veterans, rallied by bribed generals. Those veterans would move on the White House, forcing the president to appoint a co-president as dictator, puppeted by Wall Street, to implement more pro-business policies. The current government was seen as communist for implementing reforms such as minimum wage, banning child labor, and social security. A congressional inquiry found that the plan did exist to overthrow the government, but nobody was punished for it.

FAMILY JEWELS - A CIA document discussing various actions undertaken by the agency that may potentially be illegal, such as kidnapping foreign defectors, wiretapping and spying on journalists, burglarlizing suspected whistleblowers, opening mail to the Soviet Union or China, behavior modification experiments, assassination plots on foreign leaders, surveillance of ten thousand Americans, and forged identification.

BLAIR MOUNTAIN - Thousands of coal miners decided to strike for better wages, conditions, and housing, many of them living in company-owned homes. The mining company hires a 'detective agency' to break the strike, along with local law enforcement. Fighting breaks out, and the military gets involved, on the side of the corporations of course. Rather than as a third party to restore order, or as a peacekeeping force. Instead they shot at the miners, and used explosives and chemical gas from bombers to subdue the workers. Over a hundred people are killed, all because a company put profit over lives.

LATAM DEATH SQUADS - Several different companies, from Coca-Cola to Banana Companies, have employed death squads against labor organizers. They have committed various atrocities, from kidnapping to torture to murder. There have been records of massacres undertaken with farm implements and chainsaws against civilians. Many people have been killed. Why? Because not killing those people is more expensive. Money is all that matters. Keep that in mind. With corporations, all is inferior to the dollar. No institution is too sacred, no moral code too strong. If it is economiclly profitable, all actions are permissible.


Dual_EC_DRBG - An encryption algorithm promoted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, International Organization for Standardization, and the American National Standards Institute to secure data. However, it turned out to be created by the NSA. The idea was that if people adopt this algorithm, with a built-in backdoor, any encrypted data can easily be decrypted by the NSA.

BULLRUN - A decryption program by the NSA, facilitated by some normal means like algorithms and collaboration, but more odd means such as intercepting data or by partnering with industry leaders. It has been successful, nearly a billion dollars invested and much encrypted data now able to be accessed plainly. The British counterpart is EDGEHILL.

RAMPART-A - A global surveillance program focused on intercepting the data passing through submarine cables, which connect regions across oceans to the internet. Over one hundred gigabytes per second of data is intercepted, from fax to VoIP to e-mail to voice calls. The British counterpart is TEMPORA.

STINGRAY - A StingRay is a small device that is able to simulate a cell tower, with nearby phones automatically connecting to it. The device is able to do many things, including intercepting text messages and phone calls, jamming connections, and locating specific devices.

DISHFIRE - A collaboration between the NSA and British counterpart, GCHQ. The program collects hundreds of millions of text messages every day, as well as names, locations, financial transactions, and border crossings.

MYSTIC - An NSA program to collect the contents of phone calls. Every phone call in entire countries are able to be recorded and held for 30 days, unless otherwise marked for archive.

DCSNET - DCSNET is a program with the ability to perform instant wiretaps of communications devices developed by the FBI. It also has many subdivisions, such as:

  • DCS-1000 - Software created to monitor all internet traffic of a targeted user
  • DCS-3000 - A system for collecting and processing phone calls
  • DCS-5000 - A system to wiretap persons of interest
  • DCS-6000 - A system to collect and index phone calls and text messages

PRISM - A program to collect internet usage data from Apple and Google, reportedly with 91% of all internet traffic acquired by the NSA being through PRISM.

MAGIC LANTERN - FBI spyware activated by clicking an e-mail attachment, with every key pressed by the user recorded and sent to the FBI. Multiple antivirus softwares have been accused of collaborating with the FBI, to exempt the spyware from being detected and removed.

ANT/TAO Catalog - A catalog of various devices and softwares, created by the NSA. Some notable items include:

  • COTTONMOUTH - A keylogger that doesn't require internet connection, concealed in a USB port.
  • WATERWITCH - A device allowing a user to get the precise location of a nearby mobile phone.
  • TOTEGHOSTLY - Software allowing for total remote control of a Windows phone.
  • SOMBERKNAVE - A software allowing total remote control of any Windows XP computer.
  • RAGEMASTER - A small bug concealed in the choke of a VGA cable, allowing for the FBI to see what the user would be seeing on the screen connected to the VGA cable.
  • PICASSO - Allows for a phone's location to be collected, as well as access to the phone's microphone to eavesdrop.
  • MONKEYCALENDAR - Transmits a phone's location by an invisible text message.
  • NIGHTSTAND - Installs exploits on Microsoft Windows wirelessly from a distance of eight miles.
  • IRONCHEF - Software that embeds itself into the BIOS of a system, linked to REGIN, a highly customizable long-term surveillance software.
  • HOWLERMONKEY - An RF transceiver that allows for data extraction or remote control of computers.
  • DROPOUTJEEP - Spyware tailored for the iPhone to extract text messages, files, location, contact list, voicemail, and even access to the microphone and camera.
  • DEITYBOUNCE - Software to install backdoors on Dell PowerEdge servers.
  • IRATEMONK - Software that embeds itself on the firmware of hard drives manufactured by Seagate, Samsung, Maxtor, and Western Digital.

Machine Identification Code - A pattern of small yellow dots unique to every inkjet printer, printed on each page output by the printer. This allows for papers and printed documents to be traced to specific printers, by their serial numbers. This is the reason why inkjet printers require yellow ink, even when printing black and white, and why there's no generic brand or knock-off brand printers in stores. Usually just Xerox, Brother, HP, Epson, and Canon. It's illegal to sell printers without this software. While initially implemented to prevent counterfeiting, it can also be used to identify whistleblowers. Printers are often connected to the internet, allowing for easy locating of a specific printer.

SENTIENT - A system of spy satellites in space, with artificial intelligence and machine learning. The satellites are able to autonomously track targets, and identify which targets may be worth tracking.

CIPAV - FBI software that monitors all outbound internet traffic of a computer, as well as logging each IP address connected to. The software was used to identify a teen who sent bomb threats, but isn't this something that couldn't have happened unless the software was on the device prior to the threats being made?

SONIC SCREWDRIVER - A tool to bypass Apple's password-protection on its firmware.

WEEPING ANGEL - A type of software that uses cameras and microphones on Smart TVs for intelligence gathering.

SCRIBBLES - An invisible image on CIA documents that, when loaded, generates a request on CIA servers, alerting the CIA of who is accessing the document and from what IP. This allows for whistleblowers to be tracked down with much more ease.

OUTLAWCOUNTRY - A module for Linux 2.6 that allowed for the CIA to monitor Linux servers, and redirect outgoing traffic on Linux devices to specific sites.

DUMBO - A tool to disable webcams, microphones, and other security devices. This is done wirelessly to assist CIA agents on missions.

PEGASUS - A spyware for iPhones and Android, able to read text messages, collect passwords, track locations, listen to voice calls, access microphones and cameras, and harvest specific data from different apps.

Intel Management Engine - A software embedded on the kernel level of intel processors, able to run even when the computer is turned off. It allows for full remote control of machines and accessing of all files, as long as the computer is still plugged in.

BOUNDLESSINFORMANT - A data analysis and visualization tool used by the NSA to assist in processing the large amounts of available data.

INVESTIGATIVE DATA WAREHOUSE - A searchable database hosted by the FBI, with much classified data, as well as public and criminal records, all consolidated within one program.

STONEGHOST - A network for exchanging information between FiveEyes members.

FIVEEYES - Also called ECHELON. Five Eyes is a collective of intelligence agencies of various countries, who all collaborate and share information. They operate outside of the law, not being held to the legal standards of the countries in which they operate, including their own nations. Generally, they place their focus on monitoring communications and internet data, while also monitoring diplomats and such. Five Eyes is also a way to get around many prohobitions on agencies spying on their own citizens, as the other members can instead do the spying and then freely exchange the information. There are several different tiers of the organization, including Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, and Fourteen Eyes, with various levels of integration between member-states and their intelligence agencies.

INFORMATION AWARENESS OFFICE - A DARPA project to track and monitor threats, by monitoring every single person in the United States. Records would include e-mails, social media pages, credit card records, phone calls, medical records, and so on. This information would then be cross-referenced and analyzed for potential threat assessment. All data would be gathered without warrants. The program also included the possibility for face recognition and such to track and identify individuals through surveillance cameras.

STARGATE - This one's very odd. It was a project by the DIA, establishing a secret Army unit to research psychic warfare. Mainly, it was focused on remote viewing, to assist in surveillance of targets of interest. Most of the viewers were frauds, but one was able to locate a downed Soviet spy plane without any assistance, a plane that was unable to be located by spy satellites. Though this was a promising lead, the program was shut down due to pressures from scientific institutions.

HTLINGUAL - Opening the mail destined for foreign nations such as the Soviet Union and China, and of domestic activists and influential persons such as Bobby Fischer, Martin Luther King Jr., Bella Abzug, Hubert Humphrey, and John Steinbeck. Tens of millions of letters were examined.

PROJECT SHAMROCK - Surveillance and monitoring of all outbound telegraph communications in America, beginning in 1945, with cooperation from telegraph companies. Over one hundred thousand messages were analyzed monthly.

Human Experimentation

Tuskegee Study - The Tuskegee Study was a scientific study conducted by the CDC, to see the effect of syphilis when left untreated. Four hundred black men were subjects, with a quarter of them dying as a result of the syphilis. The men were promised medical care and administered either fake or experimental treatments. The men were also told the program would last six months, while it actually lasted forty years. The men were promised treatment that never came, and were ultimately abandoned. As it was a study on the effects of syphilis untreated, there was never going to be any treatment.

Montreal Experiments - A series of experiments initially devised to treat schizophrenia, discovered to be a part of MKULTRA. The methods involved attempting to erase thoughts and change memories, using 'psychic-driving', electrocution, inducing comas, drugs, and sensory deprivation. The comas could and did last for months at a time, with occasional injections of psychadelics and playing of audio clips into the ears of the unconscious patients. Those undergoing sensory deprivation were blindfolded and had their ears stopped, as well as not being restricted on food, water, and oxygen, and injected with paralytics. Psychic driving was a method that involved playing hundreds of thousands of messages into the ears of patients for sixteen hours a day for weeks, initially a over a week of positive messages, then negative, then positive, back and forth. If patients grew anxious, they were injected with sedatives. None of them were aware of what they were signing up for. Many patients became amnesiac and had to relearn basic life skills. Some were reduced to childlike mental states and lost bladder control. One woman became an emotionless husk who would sit in the dark, writing codes on the walls of her room for hours at a time. Most of the evidence is in court reports and patient files, as much of the information was either destroyed or is currently classified.

MKULTRA - This one is too big to cover in short order. To put it in brief, the CIA attempted to create interrogation methods that forced subjects to tell the truth, as well as sleeper agents. Many of the experiments involved drugging unwitting subjects, torture of both physical and mental varieties, hypnosis, sexual abuse, electroshocks, and so on. One mental patient was kept on a high dose of LSD for about six months. Soldiers who were forced to be subjects were threatened with court-martial for whistleblowing. One man was assassinated for resigning from the project. Detention camps were also opened, where the CIA tortured and experimented on people, outside the jurisdiction of the law. When the news broke, the CIA ordered all documents destroyed. Only one cache of 20,000 pages survived, as it was incorrectly filed under finances rather than the program.


OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD - A CIA program in which various journalists and news agencies would directly collaborate with and publish stories from the CIA. Essentially, this would turn prominent news outlets into state media. This included hundreds of journalists in publications such as the New York Times and Time Magazine.

ATRAZINE - A chemical herbicide used to treat lawns and crops. A scientist discovered that there were various negative health effects to Atrazine; It turned male tadpoles female. It was also an extremely common pollutant in drinking water, the primary one in America by 2001. The scientist who discovered the effect on frogs was then harrassed and ridiculed, with forgeries made against him; all this revealed by internal company memos from the very company making the chemical. The company also conducted several studies that showed their chemical to be safe, which the EPA then published as conclusive evidence. To this day, the scientist still is punished for speaking the truth; Tyrone Hayes.

THINK TANKS - There are many think tanks in existence. Various political or social organizations, who publish studies and conduct research that just so happens to always agree with their stated goals. Let me be absolutely clear. There is no such thing as a think tank. It is privately funded propaganda, an outlet for the wealthy and influential to pass their money through, a more credible voice to speak through. They are not scientists, they are not objective, they are inherently biased towards the views of their sponsors or donors. Don't trust a word they say, even if you agree with it, especially if you agree with it.

Chicanery and Notes

Operation Pacifier - This was an FBI operation that was riddled with controversy. A website distributing CSAM was seized by the FBI, but continued to operate for weeks, while the FBI collected the data and location of all users entering the site. While this did lead to the arrest of many people, it is important to note that this means that the FBI distributed CSAM for weeks, with some users reporting how all of a sudden the site was loading much faster and smoother. It is one of those situations that beg the question, do the ends justify the means? But as one man put it, "The ends can never justify the means; nothing ever ends". Tactics like this are, while effective, morally dubious at best, and don't conclusively solve the issue of CSAM distribution. These tactics only cut one outlet.

HINCKLEY, OSWALD, AND GEORGE H.W. BUSH - John Hinckley was the man who attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan during Bush's vice-presidency. Here's a little excerpt from a NYT article: "The eldest Hinckley child, Scott, 30, is the vice president of the his [sic] father's company and a friend of Neil Bush, the son of Vice President Bush. Scott Hinckley and a date had been invited to dinner at the young Bushes' home last night". Now that's odd. Here's another odd fact, Hinckley attempted the shooting to get the attention of an actress, Jodie Foster. Reagan was also formerly an actor, possibly with connections. Another odd note is that Bush was the director of the CIA, who oversaw the security in Dallas when Kennedy was assassinated. Very strange coincidence.

1209 NORTH ORANGE STREET - A small building in Delaware, where hundreds of thousands of companies have their registered agent. This small little building allows corporations to avoid billions in taxes, due to Delaware's loose tax laws and softness towards corporations. In fact, some Delaware towns have even attempted motions to allow corporations to cast votes in local elections, as if they were people. In other words, a vote now costs $200.

CEVERIT - Ceverit is a type of glass developed in East Germany during the Cold War. It was designed to be unbreakable if dropped, and many of these glasses are still in regular use in bars in East Germany. The product was proposed to glassware companies in the west, but was unilaterally rejected by the companies. It would essentially kill their main business of selling replacement glasses. In other words, despite a superior quality product existing, inferior products are still used because they break more often, generating more sales.

GOOGLE - Back in the day, the CIA had attempted to assemble profiles of every American citizen. This was stopped by other parts of the government. A while later, Google suddenly comes out. Google assembles a 'fingerprint' of each user, based on every single search they perform, email they send, video they watch, things they say around their microphones, and so on. And coincidentally, the founders of Google have CIA ties and Google was partially created with grant money from the CIA?

ARPANET - And speaking of tech things, the internet itself was created by DARPA as a project in 1969. Even the internet is a government project, so it should really be no surprise that the internet is not secure.

PINK INDEX CARDS - A notorious child predator and child pornography producer's warehouse was raided, John David Norman. About 4 tons of film were seized, as well as over one hundred thousand index cards with contacts of clients. These included federal officials and public figures. The lieutenant who discovered this then forwarded the index cards to the State Department. The State Department then declared that the cards were irrelevant to any passport fraud cases, and so destroyed them.

MICHAEL AQUINO - A colonel in the Army. One of the developers of psychological warfare in Vietnam and popularized the term Psyop. Involved with the Iran-Contra Affair. He was also a member of the Church of Satan, until he left because the group was too moderate. Instead he founded the Temple of Set, which had actual sacrifice and ritual and theistic Satan worship. He was also a notorious child molester, but all of the evidence was coincidentally destroyed in two house fires. The ATF even said it was suspicious. The case was dismissed, and coincidentally the DA of California at the time was a friend of Aquino, through mutual involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair.

THE FINDERS - A cult contracted and protected by the CIA for security purposes. The group was also involved with kidnapping and brainwashing children. Additionally, material was produced by them involving children in chains or nude, and sacrifices. All charges were dropped.

FACT CHECKERS HAVE FOUND THIS INFORMATION TO BE FALSE - Have you ever noticed a very odd trend with fact-checking? Many times there will be a claim made, and fact-checkers will swarm to it. They will create an adjacent claim to the original, and debunk it. Now, the entire concept as a whole has been 'debunked' as false, despite the original claim being true. Essentially strawmanning on a larger scale.

LITTLE ST. JAMES - We all know it. Epstein's island. Epstein was an influential finance guy, involved with rich people's assets. He also ran an island full of child molestation with girls as young as six, and a plane with underage stewardesses called the Lolita Express. This eventually is all exposed, and the flight logs show many, many influential people visiting the island, including members of the British royal family and the Clinton family. Before Epstein could testify, he was found hanged in his cell. The cell's cameras were turned off and the guards were not watching. It was officially labeled a suicide. Remember, elites being pedophiles is nothing new. Is it any surprise that the people who pursue power over others in politics or business also pursue power over others through more carnal ways?

BILDERBERG MEETINGS - An annual meeting between industrial leaders, politicians, major journalists, and the wealthy and influential elites. All meetings are secretive and protected by police. Generally speaking, major things happen after Bilderberg meetings. People like Merkel and Obama shot up to candidacy for head of state after attending meetings. The 2008 recession and the associated bailouts for bankers happened after Bilderberg meetings. These meetings. Extremely suspicious.

BOHEMIAN GROVE - The Bohemian Grove is another secretive meeting between artists, businessmen, and politicians such as Reagan and Nixon. It takes place in a seccret grove in California, with a large owl statue and water features. The pamphlets feature demonic imagery. The whole meeting concludes with a ritual by cloaked men in which they burn an effigy under the owl statue, with the effigy delivered by a boatman painted as if he is death itself. There is footage secretly captured of the entire affair by Alex Jones, one of his first pieces he ever made. Highly worth a watch. Side note, I believe Alex Jones was onto some things but eventually became one of the elites, and blew the theories and speech out of proportion to discredit it. He went from aware to a psyop producer.

ROCKEFELLER AND THE UNITED NATIONS - Did you know that the United Nations Headquarters was built on land donated by the Rockefellers? And the Rockefellers have always had a hand in government. It took Roosevelt to help start breaking them up. Roosevelt only got into his position because the current president died. Roosevelt wasn't on the ballot, because the industrialists viewed him as a threat, so they made him the Vice President as it's a mostly worthless position. Politics have always been controlled by the wealthy. Here's a couple interesting quotes from David Rockefeller: "The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries", "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it". These are the words of someone trustworthy? And believe it or not, Rockefeller had ties with several CIA agents.

COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS - Another organization prominently featuring politicians and wealthy elites, and this time with intelligence agencies too. It hosts these individuals to, again, discuss policy moving forward. It is another one of those organizations in which after meetings occur, major events happen. Believe it or not, David Rockefeller was the president of it at one point. Some journalists have even said that it's the closest thing to a ruling establishment that America has had.

TRILATERAL COMMISSION - This one's meant to guide policy cooperation between East Asia, North America, and Western Europe. Deeper integration of nations. Again, members are influential figures in business, politics, media, and academia. This one was founded by David Rockefeller himself. It's another one of those very influential policy-guiding organizations, like the CFR, Bilderbergs, and Bohemian Grove.

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM - Another policy-guiding organization. This one's based in Switzerland and again an annual meeting. This one's the source of a lot of problems. 'The Great Reset', an overhaul of the fundamental economic structure of the world after COVID-19 was something that originated from this site. Same with the idea of 'You'll own nothing and be happy', where urban citizens would own no appliances or vehicles, and instead simply rent them all temporarily. Very odd ideas.

WARREN BUFFET - Here's a quote. "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." Now, I'd like to bring up a Tucker Carlson segment. It is surprisingly accurate for a state media piece. The wealthy have always sought to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. Keep the poor man down. But how do you keep them down? If they know what's going on, they rebel. They did it back in the day, with Bacon's rebellion. So what do they do? Divide the poors on racial lines. Create inequitable laws, create propaganda. And now, all of a sudden, the poor people are at each other's throats, not paying attention to the bigger picture.

POLYESTER AND LED - Why are so many clothes nowadays made from plastics? Polyester, acrylic, spandex, elastics, nylons. It's miserable. These materials are bad for the health, unsustainable, and one of the largest causes for pollution and microplastics. Here's a fun experiment. Go to the store, and find me a pair of wool socks. 100% wool. I've never been able to do it. Same with normal socks, find a 100% cotton pair. You can find pairs that are 100% polyester, but not 100% cotton. It's so odd. And LED lights. It's now illegal to manufacture general incandescent lights. And to sell them. Why? It's 'energy-inefficient'? So what next, ban leaving the fridge open? Ban having the air conditioner running too long? Why are we going after incandescent lights of all things, why not go after the actual energy consumers? It's a useless gesture, given how little lighting actually affects total energy consumption. But LED lights? Did you know that LED lights are germicidal? They damage cells. They often have coatings, but these coatings are weak and permeable and often come apart in short order. The more time you spend around LEDs (ligthbulbs, screens, TVs, etc), the more damage to your skin you will experience. But incandescent lights? They give off UVB rays, like the sun. It is good for the skin and stimulates vitamin D production. LED lights damage the body, while incandescents promote better health. Isn't that interesting? Forcing an unhealthier product on people, with reasoning that is inconsequential and ineffective. Again, seriously look at this. Of all the energy waste, lighting? Not vampire drain, not leaving electronics running, not idling engines, not air conditioning, but lighting? Nearly 50% of power usage is from air conditioning, space heating, and water heating. But lighting is more important, I guess. Nonsensical. Just another passive way to damage the American people. And of course the LED illuminated screens are filled with apps made to be addictive.

PFAS - PFAS and its derivatives are a type of chemical nicknamed forever chemicals due to their inability to decompose naturally. These chemicals are carcinogenic and produce birth defects. 97-98% of people have PFAS in their blood. It contaminates rainwater as it stays in the air, it seeps into the soil and contaminates groundwater. One of the only ways to prevent it from infecting you is by reverse osmosis. How did they become so prevalent? Chemical Companies. They produced them for many household goods, like nonstick pans. The companies, in internal memos, recognized that the chemicals would have horrible effects on the human body, even observing the pregnant women working and their health. They knew the risk. They continued to dump the chemicals in waterways and suppress scientists. They knew and did nothing until they were forced to admit it. Like usual, companies will kill people if it's convenient.

WATER FLUORIDATION - We know fluoride is good for the teeth. We knew this for decades before it was introduced into water supplies. During World War Two and the Cold War, we needed a lot of fluoride for sulfur hexafluoride, to extract and process uranium. Once nuclear production slowed down, chemical companies suddenly had tons of fluoride they couldn't use, and it is very costly to dispose of. So what do they do? Run campaigns and lobbying to fluoridate public water, calling it dental health. Now they don't have to pay to dispose of it, but get paid to dispose of it. Sure, it does help our teeth. But we already have fluoride in toothpaste, don't we? And in mouthwash? Why do we need to ingest it too? Why do we need to bathe in it? Soak our dishes in it? Is that right? But what's the big deal, it's just fluoride. Yeah. Fluoride is a neurotoxin like lead. Fluoridated drinking water has been linked to lowered IQ, stunted bone growth, and so on. It is a toxic chemical that is put into public water because that was more convenient for chemical companies. Why do you think your toothpaste and your mouthwash tell you to not swallow it? Fluoride is toxic. And because of chemical companies needing to increase profits, it's infested the public drinking water.

MICROPLASTICS - Microplastics are in every human. In our blood, our semen, our breast milk. Everything is infected with microplastics. A typical human ingests enough plastic in two weeks to create a credit card. Go to a restaurant, you get plastic bowls and plastic silverware and plastic cups, but don't worry, the straws are paper (and lined with plastic). It's in the fish and meat that we eat, it's got microplastics. It causes various different ailments, from muscle problems to cancers. It is truly inescapable. Why did this happen? Pollution and the constant use of plastics that are frankly unnecessary. Plastics are good, yes, because they are durable, long-lasting, and flexible. So do not use them on single-use items, is this that crazy? People act like plastics are irreplacable. How did we function before plastics? We didn't use plastic bags, we used paper bags. We didn't use plastic straws, we drank from the cup. We didn't use cling film, we used aluminum foil or butcher's paper or wax paper. We didn't use packing peanuts, we used straw or paper shreddings. We didn't use plastic bottles, we used glass or metal. We didn't use plastic car parts, we used aluminum. We do not need plastics in everything we own.

GIVE BLOOD - Many people know that their bodies are infested with toxins. Chemicals, agents and reagents, plastics, synthetics. Horrible things. How do you manage this? Your kidneys can only do so much. Donate blood. When you donate blood, your body must create new blood, but your body does not create new toxins. You essentially dilute your body's toxins in your bloodstream. Imagine if you had 100 grams of toxins and four pints of blood. 25 grams per pint. You give a pint of blood, and that includes the proportional 25g of toxins in your bloodstream. Then your body regenerates that liter, and you now have 4 pints but only 75 grams of toxins, about 19 grams per pint. Simple as. Donate blood.