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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Get ready for Global reddit Meetup Day, plus some stats about top reddit cities and languages.

/r/Miami GrMD 2012
Last year, there were more than 350 meetups for Global reddit Meetup Day. The 4th annual Global reddit Meetup Day will take place on Saturday, June 15th, 2013. Check out the list of local subreddits to find your local community or search for meetups listed on redditgifts to take part in the festivities.

Photographers: bring your cameras! Let's make the world feel small and give a face to your local reddit community. Submit your meetup photos to /r/about and we'll add them to our growing gallery of reddit meetup photos from around the world.

To encourage your local pride, we took a look at the geographic breakdown of reddit visits. We found that there are more than a thousand local subreddits and active local communities in almost every major city from Auckland to Missoula to Zurich. Here are some fun geo stats we pulled.

Top cities by total visits
/r/Vegas GrMD 2012

1. New York
2. Toronto
3. London
4. Chicago
5. Los Angeles
6. Sydney
7. San Francisco
8. Seattle
9. Melbourne
10. Austin
/r/SanDiego GrMD 2012

Top non-english speaking cities
Montreal & Stockholm

Most addicted city (over 100k visits total)
Eglin Air Force Base, FL
Oak Brook, IL
South St. Paul, MN

Most Addicted cities in the top 100 cities
/r/Bangalore GrMD 2012

/r/SanFrancisco GrMD 2012
Oklahoma City

Most addicted language (avg. time on site)
Norwegian @ 19:08 followed by GB English @ 18:34

Top ten cities - pageviews per capita
1. Austin
2. Calgary
3. Edmonton
4. Toronto
5. Vancouver
6. Sydney
7. Melbourne
8. San Diego
9. Brisbane
10. Portland

Top Local Subreddits by average users online in last 24 hours
1. /r/NYC
2. /r/Toronto
3. /r/Seattle
4. /r/Portland
5. /r/Philadelphia

*All data is from our google analytics over 12 month period.
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