Welcome to Uncle Ted's Cabin!

Currently being held in a warehouse at:

935 Pennsylvania Avenue

You're probably curious what the idea is behind this website.
Well, I wanted a place to put the things I make. Sometimes I write, sometimes I make something cool, and once in a blue moon I'll make a program -- Batch only. Plus there's other cool things I want to show off. Vinyls, antiques, my garden, different conceptual sketches I make, just stuff like that. So I want somewhere to put it all.
I would use social media, but a website feels so much more retro and personal, and I don't have some automatic machine breathing down my neck, watching everything I write. It's not at the whims of Wall Street. Yeah, I know Neocities is still owned by someone else, but it's a lot less restraining than some corporate suit. Plus they give me a gigabyte to work with, which is a ton, with respect to html/css webpages.
And I guess this website gives me a good excuse to learn how to code CSS and HTML, so hooray to that.

The Uncle Ted stuff is just for laughs and a outdoorsy/environmentalist feel, I don't actually approve of the guy's actions.

Also, any assets here that you see, go ahead and take. I don't mind, it's just data and pixels, not like you're stealing from me. You don't need to give credit to me either, but I just ask that you don't claim credit unless you alter it yourself, y'know?

Teddy K. Approved

Hotlinks to good pages -- made buttons for those without buttons linked, apologies for poor quality